Max from Germany, 2012–13

Feb 07 2018

“At first, leaving home and moving to the U.S. for a year seemed like a great adventure. However it was much more than that. 现在我能和不同的人打交道了, approach arising challenges differently, and even see myself differently. 我和许多令人兴奋的人成为了朋友. 此外,我参加的比赛、项目和旅行不能…… Read More »

“America is amazing. I love it. 我的交流非常棒,这对我来说是一个伟大的决定. My exchange has made me grow and be a…

Miguel from Spain

“我认为我从交流中得到的最大回报不仅仅是更好的英语技能,还有我学到的每一次经历和教训. It changed myself and…

Nawaporn from Thailand

“我在这里遇到的每个人都以某种方式让我对自己有了更好的认识. 我必须说,这是我在这里最大的印象. That anytime you talk to somebody –…

Arina from Russia

“This was our first experience. Everything went very smoothly for us. 我的丈夫对(主持)整个想法非常紧张,但他很喜欢这次经历. He texted me the…

Laurie and Glenn from Montana, USA
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